Avast Mobile Security locks down a perfect score

Nancy Nunziati 29 Mar 2018

Newest mobile security report from AV-TEST gives Avast highest possible marks in detection and performance.

In January, independent IT-security institute AV-TEST conducted a study of twenty mobile security products for Android. The goal was to test the three main pillars of a strong mobile security solution — malware detection, false positive prevention, and performance impact. Avast Mobile Security was evaluated in the study and aced all categories.

The need for mobile security

We live on our smartphones these days. As much as that sounds like an overstatement, it’s not. The phone is our hub for communication of all types, both personal and business. It’s our go-to for emails to colleagues, texts to friends, and notes to ourselves, not to mention all the apps. Shopping, banking, paying — there is enough sensitive data and money flying back and forth to make cybercriminals sit up and take notice.  They want in.

This past year has seen an overwhelming rise in attacks on smartphones, from cryptocurrency wallet scams to banking Trojans to mobile ransomware, downloaders, and more. Cybercriminals know that if they crack into your phone, they get complete access to your digital world.

The perfect Android security solution

AV-TEST periodically reports on cybersecurity products to give the public an objective look at the value each product provides. Their report in January focused on mobile security for Android, and Avast Mobile Security was certified with perfect scores in all three categories:

Malware Detection - AV-TEST injected 2,842 samples of the newest malware discovered into the Android device to see how many Avast Mobile Security could discern. Our software detected and blocked 100% of those files, scoring above industry average.

False Positive Prevention - This test is to see if the security software overreacts to any new file, even if it’s legitimate and harmless. AV-TEST installed over 3,100 samples of bona fide software from the Google Play store and other third-party app shops on the Android device, and Avast Mobile Software did not flag any of them, as it recognized every one as legitimate.

Performance Impact - Great security is wonderful, but would you think it’s worth it if it came at the cost of slowing down your device? With Avast Mobile Security, you don’t even need to ponder the question, because AV-TEST deemed that the software does not affect battery life, does not slow down the device, and does not generate excessive traffic.

See the full report on the AV-TEST website, and protect your Android device with the software that, experts agree, defends your digital life perfectly.