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Taking advantage of people’s emotions, attackers aim to deceive victims into sending money and sharing personal information
Plus, ransomware attacks target COVID-19 responders and Zoom takes steps towards better security
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Recent reports raise concerns, but I was hoping to raise my glass
Thousands of programmers will join forces this weekend to ‘hack the crisis’
The amount of online threats lurking behind every click and tap has gotten out of hand
How to be more skeptical about what you read online
In the midst of a global pandemic, all governments are tasked with caring for their citizens. How does this change for those under authoritarian regimes?
Learn how to recognize them and protect yourself, and where to go for legitimate COVID-19 information.
Plus, some governments use cell phone data to track virus carriers and the U.S. considers more Wi-Fi access for all
Blake & Dave, co-founders of My Life Online, teach kids the right way to respond to cyberbullies
A digital parenting expert from the Council of Europe offers tips to help parents stay sane in this sudden new phase of heavy online interaction.