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When it comes to your data, it’s best to remember that public is always public
Throughout his career, Dan chose the path that he felt would best protect both people and the internet
Looking back at the highlights of this year's codebar festival
Here's what privacy-savvy consumers should know about NFC notifications and RFID tags
We all know what Windows is — but what about the different types?
Plus, Facebook introduced new audio features and spies attack on LinkedIn
If a program costs something on a trusted site but is free somewhere else, there’s something suspicious going on
Avast CISO Jaya Baloo led a panel that explored several myths and misconceptions about tech abuse
The tech landscape is littered with good intentions that can have serious, long-lasting negative consequences
Now's the time for businesses to make the move away from outdated security models
How thoroughly do you want Amazon inside your home?
No matter the shape or size, compromising SIM cards is a relatively simple task
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