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Plus, a new malware is on the rise, and a new hack likely affects a third of all Australians.
Posing as a friend is a particularly good move because we all want to help out the people we love — and, a lot of the time, people we once loved.
As a first step, Avast joins the newly formed Linux Foundation Europe as an inaugural member.
Plus, an airline hack, an Apple bug, media protection in Europe, and a $35 million security penalty.
Dear Avast, I recently hosted a birthday party for my child. I want to post the photos on social media, but I'm not sure if it's OK to post pictures of my kid's friends online. What should I do?
Fortunately, Uber reported this breach and acted on it quickly.
Read this before you hook into that free Wi-Fi and get more than you bargained for.
Roughly a third of all connected devices have insecure defaults, such as no or weak password protection or poor software design, that make them ripe for exploits.
As this attack illustrates, reusing passwords can lead to very real consequences.
Although attacks on large companies dominate ransomware news, smaller businesses make much easier targets, as they often lack the budget to implement successful cybersecurity strategies.
Plus, FishPig gets hacked and Rewards for Justice pays off.
In the context of the current war in Ukraine and increased authoritarian aggression against free and open discourse on the internet, it's now more important than ever to warn our European audience about the dangers of current new propaganda networks.
Independently successful in delivering digital privacy and security, the companies now combine to pursue a new, joint vision.