New Avast Business Products Earn OPSWAT Gold Certification

Greg Mosher 3 Oct 2017

Our newest next-gen cybersecurity features meet the gold standard for business protection.




Just days after the release of our Avast Business products, all three of our new endpoint protection solutions—Avast Business Antivirus, Antivirus Pro, and Antivirus Pro Plus, received gold certification from our technology partner OPSWAT.

Why is OPSWAT gold certification important?

Earning gold certification required that our products meet OPSWAT’s specific anti-malware criteria as well as compatibility standards. Through its Certified Security Application Program, OPSWAT compiles compatibility requirements from over fifty OPSWAT technology partners, including Avast, with the goal of helping IT administrators find compatible and effective applications for their security stack.

Our new business products identify and stop the most persistent and emerging threats, but our gold certification from OPSWAT shows we are also making it easier for IT to add and integrate our solutions into their product offerings for employees and business customers.

OPSWAT’s Cristina Stet also shared her thoughts on what this means:

“We developed the OPSWAT Certified Security Application Program to recognize the very best security applications on the market, and Avast Business solutions certainly fit that description. Gold certification is the highest kind of certification we give to vendors, and we are excited to recognize Avast in this way. IT professionals who are looking for the most effective anti-malware applications rely on Gold Certified vendors and now they should consider Avast Business Antivirus, Antivirus Pro, and Antivirus Pro Plus.”

What product features contributed to our gold certification?

To further understand why these products deserve attention—and more gold wins—here are just a few comments that we’ve received since their release.

IT Administrator in the Czech Republic: “Our main challenge is keeping our company secure without viruses and other security threats and ensuring our data is safe. We recently made the decision to switch from a competitive solution to the new Avast Business Antivirus endpoint protection and its on-premise management console. Through a web browser, we can easily connect to the console from anywhere in the company, and see a quick overview of the state of the antivirus and suggest a solution. We like the new Avast Business products and are looking forward to better network security, protection against Internet attacks, spam, and last but not least, protection against ransomware.”

Channel partner in Canada: "These new products combine a multitude of protection features including file and behavior protection, online real time scanning and phishing detection, a sandbox, software updater and my personal favorite, Wi-Fi inspection. With all these additional features, we were expecting there to be a significant performance drain on our test systems. We quickly discovered this was not the case and that the entire suite consumes under 300MB of memory. This really takes end-user security to a whole new level.”

Reseller in the U.S.: “This is a big leap forward both in protection capability and ease of management for our clients. Our top threat today is ransomware and the new real-time shields in these endpoint products will deliver a new line of defense. We also like the flexibility across the three service options as we serve a range of small and mid-sized businesses with very different security needs. For companies that don’t have the luxury of formal IT departments, we can easily deliver managed antivirus using the new management console. This product portfolio will position us well with both existing clients and prospects.”

You can check out all of our products at our new Avast Business web site or sign-up for a free product trial.