Are Macs or PCs better for business?

Katie Chadd 4 Aug 2020

Mac and Windows both have many benefits, but which is best for small businesses?

Maybe you’re launching a new business, or maybe you’re updating the equipment in your office. Either way, selecting the right computer for your needs is crucial – especially if you’re buying in bulk. So what’s it going to be: Mac or PC?

When considering Macs vs PCs, both have their merits – but can often be utilized better for different tasks. Depending on what you plan on using your device for, you may find one more beneficial than the other. In this article, we will highlight the pros and cons of using Apple or Windows equipment.



Apple has successfully managed to enable its users to seamlessly connect their devices and applications. While this is usually thought of as a benefit for personal devices, Apple also offers its Business Manager portal to support IT administrators with connecting devices. From the portal, workforces can set up device enrolment, and distribute books and custom apps from a central system.

Windows offers Connected Devices to share any web link, text, or file from any app to any other Windows 10 Anniversary device within your network. This includes desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, Xbox One, and Hololens.


A large selling point for the argument as to why Macs are better is the applications available to them. Many people use Mac devices when working in the creative sector, as they can support software such as Sketch. When working with film, platforms such as Final Cut Pro are also popular.

However, there are plenty of popular applications that work on both Macs and PCs, such as Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, and InDesign. Common software used within the working environment, and familiar to all, is Microsoft Office, which can be used on universal devices – whether you opt for Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, or a mix. Additionally, with the proliferation of cloud-based applications, there is less demand for device-specific software.


While Mac devices are not entirely immune from cyberattacks, they have historically been less vulnerable than Windows devices. However, questions remain over whether Macs need antivirus software. 

With any computer, the user should have some form of cyber-protection installed. Within a working environment – in which large volumes of sensitive data will be stored and shared across a network – it’s even more important for organizations to stay updated with the latest iOS security advice, including around the use of antivirus software for Macs

No matter what system you’re using, aspects such as email defense, file scanning, and Wi-Fi inspection should also all be in place. Tools like Avast Management Console make it easy to monitor your security from one centralized location and is compatible with both Windows and Mac.


How long do Macs last?

When looking for reliable computers, it’s important to note that Mac products are often considered to last longer than Windows. This may not always be the case, as external factors can affect your device’s lifespan – such as accidental damage or poor software and hardware maintenance. Microsoft Windows is also utilized by a range of brands, and reliability will vary. You should always take the time to read industry and user reviews before buying a device. Regular updates and protection against cyberthreats can help your device run for longer. 

Battery life

Mac OSX computers are also thought to have more sustainable battery lives. This may not be an issue if your device will be plugged in at a desk all day, but if you need a portable laptop for travel, you may want to consider how long you expect the battery to last.

Again, Windows runs on a variety of devices, and the battery used to power the hardware will differ across brands and models. If battery life is a key concern, you should compare Macbooks to Windows laptops from multiple brands.


A big difference between Mac and PC is the cost. There are plenty of Windows desktops and laptops available on the market – both offering a variety of capabilities and price points. The operating system is available on laptops priced at as little as $250 but can get as expensive as up to $6,000 for the Surface Studio. No matter your budget, you’ll be sure to find devices for you and your team.

Additionally, with PC products, numerous brands sell Windows-powered computers – including HP, Acer, Dell, and Lenovo – and each brand has a range of products. The price will range depending on which brand you choose to purchase from.

The price tag is probably the biggest issue when purchasing Macs, especially when buying for a business – Apple’s products are not known for being cheap. While you can buy a Windows laptop for as little as $250, the cheapest Macbook Pro is valued at around $1,300, while the cheapest desktops come in at around $1,100. If you’re purchasing multiple devices for your workforce, this will quickly add up. You should, therefore, weigh the cost against the other factors listed here to ensure your investment is justified. 

Ease of use

Ease of buying

As we previously stated, when opting for a Windows-powered device, there is a lot of choices. Although this can be great for customizing the perfect device for you and your budget, this can also be a little daunting. Apple offers a small, carefully curated range of computers, which can make selecting your device less time-consuming.

Computer functions

Some people prefer the style and functions of Mac computers, while others are more used to PCs. From how to use the trackpad, to the layout of the keyboard, to the shortcuts you use, adapting to these changes can take some getting used to. As we discovered, far more desktop computers are Windows, so you may find the majority of the workforce is more used to a PC’s layout.

Do more people use Mac or Windows?

If you’re questioning whether to purchase a Mac or PC, you may want to know which is more popular. Macs have seen a steady increase in popularity over the last seven years, accounting for 17.04% of the global market share in 2020. However, this is still dwarfed by Windows’ 77.7% hold.

No matter how many devices are sold across the world, the only way to know which desktop is best for you is by understanding what they have to offer.


When looking at which operating system is best, Mac OSX or Microsoft Windows, there are many factors to consider. Knowing the needs of your employees and your business is crucial when knowing if it’s worth taking the plunge into Macbooks and iMacs.

Many workplaces have found that purchasing a mix of devices has worked for them – if you are still unsure between Macs and PCs, consider having Apple computers for the design team who will utilize the high-tech software available. However, those who are using a desktop to access their emails, write text, and go online, will be best matched to a Windows device.

No matter what computer you opt for, it is key that they are fully secure. Although Macs may seem less susceptible to cyberthreats, it does not mean that they lack any vulnerabilities. Endpoint protection is vital for any business, no matter the operating system they use.

Find the best antivirus solutions for both Windows and Mac using the Avast Business Help Me Choose tool.