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It’s up to each of us to become more cyber aware so we can protect ourselves online
Plus, a Swiss biologist who doesn’t exist and a new bug that’s already in your phone
Audio deepfakes, optimized ransomware campaigns, and crypto malware are on the horizon in 2022
Everything you need to know about a new online scam selling fake Amazon Tokens and stealing cryptocurrency.
A new vulnerability called Log4j has security teams scrambling worldwide. Here's what you need to do - and what you don't need to do - about it.
Plus, Messenger Kids pulls them in while Instagram tells kids to take a break
Pioneers of self-sovereign identity join Avast to build digital identity solutions for all
Surveillance and spying is not only taking place against enemies of the respective governments, but on citizens as well
Plus, more holiday shopping security survey results from the IrisⓇ 5th Annual Holiday Identity Theft Survey
Avast takes a look back at the most prominent threats of 2021
Android device protection never rests
Plus, GoDaddy suffers a data breach and Amazon is taken to task for its Covid-19 protocols
Make delicious sense of online cookies with Avast and get two signature holiday cookie recipes from chef Carla Hall