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Ransomware holds eSports players hostage
Avast at Mobile World Congress 2015
Avast hacks devices at Mobile World Congress
The thief who stole your cell phone will be surprised when you track it down! Avast Anti-Theft can help you do it.
Don’t be sorry for party rocking – install Avast Anti-Theft!
Why you need to protect your small business from hackers
Malvertising is bad for everyone but cybercriminals.
Avast Battery Saver extends your Android’s battery life
Behind the Scenes of Avast’s Global Wi-Fi Hack Experiment: How we collected and analyzed Wi-Fi data
Avast Launches Memory Saving Cleaner App for Android
New Avast SecureMe app protects iOS and Android users from Wi-Fi Hacking
Avast study exposes global Wi-Fi browsing activity