MNOs seek stronger mobile security for customers

Gagan Singh 1 Mar 2019

Avast partners with mobile carriers to provide the security consumers need.

Data breaches, stolen passwords, spyware — consumers are all too familiar with the dangers of today’s digital world, and they’re worried. According to a study done by Wipro, if you take all the data theft of 2017, over 2.7B records were stolen from January 1st through December 31st. And those were just the data breaches that were successful. When it comes to cyberattacks directly towards individuals, Avast blocks over 1.5 billion cyberattacks globally every month.

That’s why over a hundred million users have installed Avast Mobile Security on their Android devices, locking in the peace of mind that comes with comprehensive online and physical mobile security. Voted Best Free Antivirus by PCMag and Best Android Antivirus 2018 by TechRadar, and earning the title of Perfect Score Virus by AV-TEST, it’s no wonder that Avast Mobile Security falls into the 100-500M downloads category on the Google Play Store.

Increased consumer confidence

When customers start using Avast Mobile Security, public Wi-Fi becomes safe to use again. Spies and malware are securely blocked from the device. And for such a lightweight app, it’s packed with an arsenal of defensive tools and features, including:

Antivirus Engine Photo Vault Junk Cleaner
AppLock Power Save Web Shield
Call Blocker Privacy Permissions Wi-Fi Scanner & Speed Test
Anti-Theft RAM Boost Firewall (for rooted Android)

Carrier benefits

We partner with mobile carriers to provide these services and much more. Every tool and feature can be customized to fit our partners’ specific needs and visually reflect their brands. In return, our partners enjoy the following benefits:

  • Improved ARPU — in a climate where ARPUs are dropping due to cheaper mobile services, our partners’ ARPUs increase as their customers are willing to pay a little extra for added security

  • Elimination of cyberthreats which improves overall network performance

  • Data protection which improves customer satisfaction

  • Improved customer retention

  • Easier recruitment of new subscribers

  • More upsell opportunities

Our carrier partners enjoy both a spike in profit margin and a drop in customer churn. Monthly reporting and “pay-as-you-go” sales contracts ensure that our partners are always up-to-date on system status and nimble enough to make immediate service adjustments as needed. We offer technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and our partners find their TCO (total cost of ownership) dips thanks to our recurring and reliable service.

The time is now

More and more professionals are working remotely, reliant on their devices. More and more parents are giving their children mobile devices as a pocket lifeline. And, more and more young people are forming businesses, services, and adventures all centered around a mobile lifestyle. We’re in the midst of a technological leap as a society, and everything needs to be upgraded as a result, including the way we look at MNOs.

Consumers need three things in a mobile network:

  1. Fast service

  2. Reliable coverage

  3. Strong security

You handle #1 and #2, we’ll cover #3. Mobile security means so much more than keeping malware away. Our security building blocks consist of network protection, device protection, IoT protection, and more. Consider partnering with Avast —  the world’s largest network infrastructure amongst consumer security companies to protect your users. Our AI-powered security engine protects hundreds of millions of users worldwide, and we have over 10 years of experience providing network-integrated solutions to MNOs. We have partnered with all four major US mobile networks, as well as international telecom giants like Vodafone. Learn more about why Avast is the perfect partner for your business.

If you would like to reach out directly, send a note to and learn more here. We look forward to hearing from you.