I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumors to my dogs. ~ Andy Warhol
Party time is here. It starts with Halloween and continues with different occasions such as St. Nicolas Day, Christmas parties, New Years Eve and on through the huge fiesta of Carnival. We all love to get together, celebrate with our families, friends, have fun and to... SHARE with our friends on social networks. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as you are aware of the consequences and share wisely.
Let's face it, we are not all PR specialists. Social networks however, are our private PR zone. Imagine that your Facebook profile is a cover of a huge magazine like Time or People. Sounds silly? Well, not really. Given the fact, that our profiles are exposed to the public, and often checked by our potential or current employers, it is very important to take into consideration what kind of content we share.
Once you are at the Halloween (or any other) party, consider switching off your internet access. Have fun enjoy yourself, but wait until posting anything to the next day. Under the light of day (and post-hangover) your picture might look different than you anticipated. :)

The golden social media rule says: Everything you post on Social Media can and will be used against you! :) So if it is something you wouldn't like to see on tomorrow's New York Times cover, DON`T post it!
In June we published a blog, about the case of a teacher losing her job after someone reported her Facebook holiday picture. Later on in September, we followed up on this subject sharing the latest statistics saying that more than 90% of HR managers and recruiters report reviewing job candidates’ social profiles during the hiring process. Last but not least we showed you how the New Graph Facebook policy providing you with tips preventing from becoming a victim of social media stalkers. Follow our blog for more social media security and privacy tips.
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