Scary cybersecurity stories to tell in the dark

Scary cybersecurity stories to tell in the dark

Nyrmah J. Reina 17 Oct 2024

Turn off the lights and read these five fearsome frights.

Welcome, humans and ghouls! It’s your old pal, the Vault Keeper, sneaking into the Avast Security News Team’s office after hours to pull together five uncanny stories filled with deception and dread.

I ran my ghastly fingers through the archives and found the scariest cybersecurity stories from this past year. So, step closer and sink your teeth into this special Halloween news roundup, featuring all your favorite elements of cosmic cybersecurity horror—monsters, malware, and madness.

The dark art of romancing

Oh, cara mia! Many have hoped to get their once-in-a-lifetime romance—a love so intense, so fiery, that Gomez and Morticia would bestow a sexy wink of approval. With these hopes, many have succumbed to the online dating vortex.

Some have been successful in finding their one special person, but others … not so much. Sadly, the number of romance scams victims has increased. But, don’t lose hope yet! There’s still a chance you can get your dark romance without getting burned—unless you want to. So, prepare yourself for the battle of love and learn how to see through any deceptive suitors here.

YouTube, the cyber Grand Guinol

Just like the Théâtre du Grand-Guignol used to be the stage for many eerie stories and spooky characters, YouTube has become the setting of many equally sinister schemes and scammers.

Their arts of deception are wide and varied. From high jacking creators' channels to execute their evil plans to mirroring websites disguising malware, these ominous characters have made their way into the platform. Read this to learn how to spot and squash their crafty attacks.

The clones are here

AI has the futuristic touch that many had dreamed before. It’s a force to be reckoned with—one that can be used for good or for evil. It all depends on the hands that wield it.

Unfortunately, the wicked have been using it with vile intentions. They’ve created deepfakes and cloned voices to manipulate people and corrupt opinions. So, it’s important to stay on the lookout for these imposters. Learn more about the strange happenings of AI here.

A digital menace

Ransomware has reared its ugly face again, making the cyberworld take notice. One day, you’re living your best digital life—the next, you’re living a nightmare. All your information, all your files locked and out of your reach … unless you pay a ransom. Or, so they threaten.

There’s absolutely no guarantee that payment will get your digital files back. And, it’s ill-advised to submit to the cybercriminals demands. So, it’s best to observe the insanity from afar while looking for some digital spells and armor to protect yourself. Find what you need here.

The hills have eyes

You receive the suspicious email. You know, that email—the one where someone claims to have snooped on you through your device and caught you in sexy times through your camera. The culprits threaten to expose the footage unless you pay up.

Well, now the traps look worse. Using Google Street View images, the scammers have started to include pictures of their targets’ homes. It’s too creepy. Read the chilling tale for yourself here.

Get the salts

Not all of us ghouls are bad. I might have brought you closer to this upside-down world, but rest assured it was all with good intentions. After all, I’ve given you the scoop on the bad and showed you where to go to find the weapons you need for these cyber battles.

See you next Halloween,

The Vault Keeper

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