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Find reliable, secure Wi-Fi hotspots with new Wi-Fi Finder app
Sharing personal information plays part in Neiman Marcus hack
Remembering multiple passwords is nearly impossible. Avast Password manager can create, manage, and sync all your passwords across devices.
Your home router is the gateway for hackers in the connected Internet of Things age.
2016: Internet-connected devices will spell out your life to anyone who’s curious
AV-TEST rates Avast Free Antivirus 2016 as a top security product for Windows Home Users
Avast's new Prague headquarters is set to attract the most talented people
Avast opens its new headquarters with a gala event.
Privacy on the Internet: There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Small and midsize businesses are targeted most often by hackers
Avast for Business: Zero to One Million endpoints protected in less than a year
Microsoft ends support for older versions of Internet Explorer
Android security updates roll out to fight “Stagefright” type bug