Kasparov/Vlcek discuss AI and how it can solve real world problems at Web Summit

Nancy Nunziati 7 Nov 2017

Avast Security Ambassador Garry Kasparov and Avast CTO & EVP Ondrej Vlcek discuss AI at Lisbon Web Summit

You stare at the board. You see your play. Queen to Bishop 6. You make the move, and look up at your opponent.

It’s a tall black tower with the letters IBM printed at the top.

You look back down at the board. I’m gonna beat it, you think to yourself. And the game continues.

I like to think that was Avast Security Ambassador Garry Kasparov’s experience when he battled the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in those famous ‘96-’97 chess tournaments. Artificial intelligence has permeated the minds and imaginations of the world ever since.

What is the future of AI, and how can it benefit humanity?

What opportunities do man-machine collaborations afford?

Should we fear the impending robot overlords?

The expert himself Garry Kasparov will discuss this topic with Avast CTO & EVP Ondrej Vlcek as they give a presentation at the Web Summit in Lisbon tomorrow. The Web Summit is one of the largest technology conferences in the world, the perfect setting for Kasparov and Vlcek to delve into humanity’s deep-seated fear of AI, as well as the ways these advanced technologies can solve real-world problems. This is a can’t-miss if you are anywhere in the Lisbon area tomorrow.

Who: Garry Kasparov, Avast Security Ambassador and Ondrej Vlcek, Avast CTO & EVP, Consumer

What: Presentation – Artificial Intelligence—Threat or Opportunity?

When: Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 11:15 – 11:40am

Where: Auditorium: Binate.io, Web Summit, MEO Arena and FIL, Lisbon

And if you’re there for the presentation, you’ll want to stick around for the next day when Garry Kasparov conjures his chess wizardry as he duels ten opponents...at once! That’s Thursday, November 9, at 1:15pm.

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