Garry on Lockdown – Episode 3

Malea Lamb-Hall 9 Jul 2020

It’s the FREE SPEECH episode! UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh joins Garry to explain free speech in America at this unprecedented moment in history

Recently relocating from his Manhattan home to be with his family along the beautiful beaches of Split, Croatia, Garry Kasparov, Avast security ambassador and a leading industry voice on AI, continues his digital series on the issues influencing our lives both online and off.

In the third episode of “Garry on Lockdown,” Garry dives into the hottest topic of the moment – free speech! He explores whether or not there is a difference between First Amendment rights online versus First Amendment rights in the real world. And is it perfectly legal for businesses to make unsubstantiated medical claims about products that may or may not stop COVID-19? Can social media users post anything they want about the coronavirus, politics, and racism? Is Twitter infringing on free speech rights by adding disclaimers to President Trump’s tweets? 

Garry provides some of these answers himself, and for the others he brings in special guest UCLA law professor (and former Supreme Court clerk) Eugene Volokh, creator of The Volokh Conspiracy blog. Together, Garry and the professor discuss the state of American free speech during this global pandemic, as well as what the major issues affecting it are. Click below for this grounded and informative conversation! 

Do you have a question for Garry, or is there a topic you’d like a future episode to address? We’d love to hear from you! Please submit your question or comment to us on Twitter using #askGarry. 

And now, without further ado, please enjoy Episode 3 of “Garry on Lockdown!”