Twas the day after Christmas, and this family was smart…

Avast 26 Dec 2023

A post-holiday poem you can read by the fireplace for the digital age.

Twas the day after Christmas, when all through the place, 
not a box was unopened, joy filled every face. 

The wrappings lay scattered, a colorful view, 
while the family admired things shiny and new. 

Papa got a laptop from his favorite name brand, 
with a screen that unlocked with a touch of his hand. 

And Mama got a tablet for browsing websites, 
promising reading, and videos, and shopping delights. 

For the children, new consoles and phones, they were thrilled, 
in virtual worlds, dreams would soon be fulfilled. 

But with these digital gifts, and their limitless extents 
came a need for protection, some cyber defense. 

The parents knew well, the family should care 
to keep themselves safe from the threats of malware. 

Even the kids already knew about phishing email shams, 
they’re a savvy generation, quite resistant to scams. 

But on the world wide web, where they all played and browsed, 
lurked scammers and fraudsters, in the online world housed. 

Eager to steal accounts, and credit cards, with a click 
they prowled the web silently, their methods quite slick. 

So this family gathered, and made up a plan, 
To safeguard their gadgets before their adventures began. 

Antivirus software, a shield strong and true 
to block malware and viruses from breaking right through. 

They crafted strong passwords, complex and secure, 
with a manager to remind them when they weren’t quite sure. 

They’d monitor credit scores, and the web for ID theft, 
to help keep their finances from becoming bereft.  

Now their devices were guarded, with hopes clear and bright, 
the family looked forward to a year full of light. 

In a digital world, where threats come and go, 
they were better prepared for tech threats’ ebb and flow.  

So here’s to the year, safe, secure, and new, 
with digital safety for the whole family crew. 

Aware of the risks, and all prepared to face 
keeping their connected world a cyber safe place.