Avast Cleanup Premium End of Support for XP | Avast

Avast Cleanup Premium: Time to say goodbye to XP

Sandro Villinger 11 Apr 2019

Avast Cleanup Premium will no longer be updated on Windows XP. Here’s what it means for you.

In October 2001, Microsoft released one of the longest-running operating systems in history (as well as the now infamous “Bliss” wallpaper above) to the world: Windows XP. In April 2014, Microsoft stopped supporting its ancient OS, and today — five years later — we need to do the same.

Starting today, our cleaning and performance optimization tool Avast Cleanup Premium for PC will no longer receive updates for Windows XP. We’ve made this choice for one reason: The number of Windows XP users has dwindled significantly, and only 1.6% of our user base is running it. We will be focusing our engineering skills toward developing new and cool features, rather than supporting a dying platform.

What does this mean to you? Well, if you’re still on XP, please upgrade to Windows 7 or 10 as you are running an operating system that lacks security and reliability.  If for some reason you can’t upgrade, your Avast Cleanup Premium will continue to work as it currently does, but our March Update will be the last update you receive. Going forward, all newer versions and updates won’t work or install on your PC.

If you have any questions about this End of Support notice, just reach out to Avast Support for answers.

Interested in tuning up your PC, decluttering, and finding more speed? Learn more about Avast Cleanup Premium and download a free trial today.

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