Avast’s CEO, Vince Steckler, will address security threats to the Internet of Things at Mobile World Congress 2017.
Like most of us, you probably got the router you use in your home from your internet service provider. Like most of us, you probably have not changed the password. And like most of us, you probably didn’t even know there was a password to be changed, much less how to access it.
It’s your router, and other connected devices like webcams, printers, baby monitors, even your smart refrigerator, that put not only you at risk but also others. Cybercriminals can use these devices to conduct massive attacks like last year’s Mirai botnet that took down huge swaths of the internet.
Internet of Things: Security Risks
Vince Steckler, CEO of Avast, will be a featured speaker at Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona next week. He will talk about the security of our smart and mobile devices, and conduct a live demonstration that shows how easily web cams can be hacked, infect other devices, and used to spy on unsuspecting victims. The demo will also show how attackers can convert a device into a bot designed to take down servers and websites.

Avast will be at Mobile World Congress, in hall 2, booth no. 2G13. Stop by to discuss mobile and IoT threats, and security solutions and see our latest mobile security apps, and a new app addressing IoT security issues.
If you are wondering about that router of yours, use Avast 2017’s new Wi-Fi Inspector, previously called Home Network Security, to scans your home network for vulnerablities like weak passwords.