Christopher Budd

Christopher Budd

Christopher has worked in security for 20 years and technology for 25 years. From 2001 until 2010 he was part of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) where he helped build the Patch Tuesday process and the security and privacy incident response processes still in use today. In the MSRC, he was the global communications lead for the security and privacy response processes for several years where he pioneered new, award winning response communications strategies for some of Microsoft’s most serious incidents including the Conficker incident of 2008 – 2009. Since Microsoft he has worked at several security and technology companies such as F5, Trend Micro, Palo Alto Networks, and Proofpoint to build and lead communications programs around threat research, thought leadership and incident response. Christopher is a widely published author, a contributing writer for Geekwire and contributor to Britannica online. His notable publications include “Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things: Getting Ready for The Internet’s Third Wave” in the European Financial Review and “Microsoft unleashes ‘Death Star’ on SolarWinds hackers in extraordinary response to breach” in Geekwire. He has done numerous interviews for print, radio, and television including Fox Business News and been a regular guest on the Arlene Bynon Show, KIRO Radio, KIRO 7 News, and KING 5 News. Christopher’s interests include music, travel, and languages.