When he’s not in the office, Marek enjoys traveling, doing skids on his bike and inventing new words.

Get to know Marek Chrenko in the following Q&A.
Marek Chrenko came to Avast in the summer of 2014, when the mobile development startup Inmite joined the Avast team. Originally an Android developer, Marek started developing iOS products last year.
When he’s not in the office, Marek enjoys traveling, doing skids on his bike and inventing new words.
What’s the current goal of the Avast mobile team?
We are trying to help our users make most of their iPhones with ease and without further investments. With the recent release of Avast Photo Space, we provide our customers with a more efficient way of storing their photos on iOS devices.
What’s one thing that every user should know about his/her mobile device?
Firstly, you should always keep track of your phone’s physical location so you don't have to spend 15 minutes looking for it :-)
All kidding aside, users should pay attention to performance and security. Take mental notes of your device’s speed so it doesn’t slow you down when you’re checking emails, taking photos or making calls. Regarding a mobile device’s security, users should be aware of who and what their device communicates with and what kinds of information it transfers.
Let us in on a useful security tip.
Long passwords are better than complicated ones (see proof!). To ensure that your passwords are secure, go beyond 20 characters and you should be good to go.
Who or what helps you in coming up with new, creative ideas?
In our team, a small group of us often discuss various ideas for a few hours at a time. In one of these meetings, our colleague provided us with a survey that dealt with generic problems that iPhone users face on a daily basis. Our group brainstormed a solution to the issues, and as the discussion flew, we polished our ideas into a presentable mockup to move forward with. These three key ingredients – valuable input, time, and a group of open-minded professionals – often help us achieve successful outputs.
Tell us about one of your team’s future plans (but don’t give away too many details!).
We’re gearing up to support more cloud services, such as iCloud.