AVAST celebrates International talk like a Pirate day

AVAST celebrates International talk like a Pirate day

Julia Szymańska 19 Sep 2014

AVAST celebrates International talk like a Pirate day

Ahoy, me hearties!

Today, the AVAST crew is participating in one of the goofiest events in the world: International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Did you know thtalk-like-a-pirateat there is a Pirate language and that AVAST is one of the key words of the language? You can even set up your avast! Antivirus in Pirate language and change your sound notifications to pirate language! How we are participating?

Th' wenches 'o Social Media 'n HR, along wit' a few scurvy dogs, have planned a right jolly day 'o piratey hijinks fer th AVAST pirates. Every hour when th' bell chimes, a new task is assigned. The treasure hunting has finished and prizes given away.

Th' best scurvy pirates come from AVAST!

Our team received seven tasks in different categories to challenge geeky and creative minds. The response was great and we are sharing with you only a fraction of what has been happening here. :)

Jolly good idea ya social media 'n HR wenches, garrr!

But run out of rum and you walk the plank! ~ Jan, accounting department


Avast who is coming next

you will need your pirate vest.

Hide your hook and say ahoy

to not scare this little boy :D ~Pavla Marketing


Ya lazy bums, hurry and up,
avast! they come, our blood thirsty foes,
let’s cut their throats with our smart codes
ahoy! we'll grab, the scavengers boats!

One more yer'old powder monkeys!

The floor is dirty and supplies are rotten,
but we keep on sailing, we won’t be forgotten,
we rockin’n’surfin’n’fixin the mast,
we are the sailors working for Avast! ~ Tomas, BI


Advance, ye mates! Cross your lances full before me. Let me touch the axis and drink thy rum, ye harpooneers! ~ Andre e-commerce


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A pirate ship named Avast,boat

Was sailing accross the sea,

The sailors organized a party and had a blast,

But the Captain was pissed as his glass was empty,

Where did all the rum go?

Where did all the rum go?

Arrrgh, the Captain was complaining over and over,

They will all be hangover! ~ Sarah e-commerce


Ahoj sailors developers!

I see some red,logo 6

Better when green,

Oops it's again red,

Now code is clean,

And #TDD is great!

Code is poetry when #coding at Avast ~ Jonas BI

[gallery link="file" ids="31465,31467,31469,31468,31471,31466"]


Malware are #FF0000

AVAST is the #FF9900

All my rums are belong to you!


01000001 01010110 01000001 01010011 01010100 ~ Nikolas, virus lab


Avast! Bloody Avast! Hey,
Pirates gonna crunch the bay.
Jump, shot & sink the boats.
Down the sea of rum & dry throats. ~ Pavel BI

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