Shahrukh Humayun's smartphone was stolen
Two brave brothers fight off mobile phone thieves in Pakistan market.
We have heard stories about how avast! Mobile Security’s anti-theft feature has helped people recover their lost or stolen phones, but nothing as dramatic as Shahrukh Humayun’s tale of bravery.
Twenty year old Shahrukh and his 17-year old brother, Shoaib, live in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, the “twin city” to the capital, Islamabad. “Pindi” is a thriving urban area with good hotels, restaurants, museums, parks, and numerous markets and bazaars. It’s in one of those busy marketplaces that their story begins.
Shahrukh and Shoaib went to the market one day and were held up at gunpoint by thieves that demanded Shahruck’s HTC EVO smartphone. Acting bravely to defend the expensive and precious device, Shoaib fought back against the bandits. They shot the teenager in the leg, stole the phone and fled the scene.
In his own words, Shahrukh described what happened:
Respected Avast! Team
I love the avast! android application as it helped me in catching the thieves who stole my mobile when I was in the market.
The story of the incident is that I visited market with my brother and I had a HTC EVO 3D X515m at that time. The thieves called me on the gun point while the area was empty. They asked me for the mobile and when my brother tried to take action they shot him on the leg.
Well, eventually I received an sms from avast that the sim have been changed. I checked my mobile as the GPS was active. I told the police about the incident on the same day and they found the thieves after 8 hours through the Google GPS connected with avast map.
Thank you avast!. Love you

Shoaib Humayun fought theives
All of us at AVAST were touched by the courage of these two young men when faced with danger. We are happy that our anti-theft product proved to be so useful in finding and recovering the phone. More than that, we were concerned about Shoaib. How has he fared since the incident?
Shahrukh gave us an update:
My brother is braver than me. As a result of that bravery he showed his best loyalty to me by fighting with those bandits and got shot on his leg. This event have passed 8 months and he got no sign of bruises on his leg. But thank God he is fine.
Thank you avast for helping me fight these bandits against their unlawful behavior for the country.
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