AVAST welcomes secure.me users to blog, Facebook, and Twitter

AVAST welcomes secure.me users to blog, Facebook, and Twitter

Deborah Salmi 17 Jun 2013

AVAST welcomes secure.me users to blog, Facebook, and Twitter

secureme_by_avastAVAST welcomes all secure.me users to our blog, Facebook page, and Twitter feed, where you can learn the latest about social media privacy from your favorite secure.me team members.

In the coming weeks, secure.me will be fully integrated into AVAST and even get a new name, but you will still enjoy the safe and carefree online experience that you have grown to appreciate. If anything, it will be enhanced through the joint powers of AVAST and secure.me.

We invite you to continue your relationship with secure.me here on AVAST. Become an AVAST fan, follower, and blog reader to stay informed about the latest in security and privacy. As you make the transition with us, we ask that you take a look around, and give our famous avast! Free Antivirus or one of our premium paid products, avast! Pro Antivirus, avast! Internet Security, or avast! Premier a try. You can compare products here, and look for deals at the avast! Store.

Thank you and welcome to AVAST!

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