No one wants to spend time worrying about the security of their laptop or mobile phone. When things go wrong, it is very…well... frustrating.
Avast! Antivirus protects your computer and mobile phone around the clock, so you can BE FREE to enjoy your life. Show us what you do when you are free from worry and frustration. Take a photo of what it means to you to BE FREE, and enter it into our avast! Be Free photo contest. It's easy. You can enter on our Facebook app, or through your own Twitter or Instagram account using the hashtag #avastBeFree. Once your photo is entered, invite your friends to vote for it in the photo gallery. The top voted photos will win a new Nexus 4 mobile phone or a Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 tablet!

Here are some examples of photos that were already entered to give you inspiration. :-)
You can BE FREE to spend time with your loved ones…

You can BE FREE to play…

You can BE FREE to fly...

You can BE FREE to relax…

The avast! BE FREE photo contest runs through Wednesday, May 29. Submit your photo soon, and invite your friends to vote for it. You could win one of eight Nexus mobile phones or tablets.