Jeno (Jolli) - child survivor A7734 from Auschwitz, 4.5 years old at liberation. Born in 1940.
Seventy-three year old Menachem Bodner lost his twin brother Jeno (Jolli) 68 years ago when the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated. He knows only one thing about his brother: The Auschwitz ID number tattoed on his arm - A 7734. With the help of his grandchildren and genealogist Ayana KimRon, Mr. Bodner is now using Facebook to aid in the search. When Mr. Bodner described his unlikely social media campaign he said, "I'm like a virus! I will go viral and spread the message until I do find my brother.”
And that gave us, the most popular antivirus company in the world, an idea…
AVAST has 180 million users across the globe, and we speak to them every day in the form of our pop-up notification that tells of a virus database update. What if we could use our massive ability to crowd-source and help Mr. Bodner’s message “go viral” by telling our users about his search? Maybe, just maybe, someone among our 180 million users can provide a clue to Jeno’s fate.
Please follow the Facebook page dedicated to finding Mr. Bodner’s long-lost twin brother, A7734. If you have information that could help find Jeno, please share it there.