Avast! Free Mobile Security Contest results.

Since you asked for avast! Free Mobile Security (for Android) and we gave it to you, we wanted to celebrate its launch with our Community. Thus, from December 22, 2011 to January 22, 2012 we offered a contest where you could win 10 Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones and 300 free avast! Internet Security licenses.
Our contest question was…
We asked you to predict how many users of avast! Free Mobile Security there will be by February 10, 2012, 12:00 CET.
Responses showed us…
Roughly 50,000 contest participants showed us that we should actually do it more often. So even if you weren’t lucky this time, make sure you won’t miss our next one! :)
Results are finally in…
As February 10 is here, we can finally tell you that, as of today, we have 2 168 960 users of avast! Free Mobile Security.
Winners to be announced…
In the next 10 days, we will announce the 10 winners of Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones. Our winner will find his or her name in this format on our Facebook banner: Martin F.. And we will contact the winner via email, to arrange prize delivery.
The next-closest 300 responses will receive (via email) free licenses of avast! Internet Security.
Keep watching…
If you participated in our contest and your prediction was close to our final number above, be sure to follow our Facebook page and check your email regularly! :D