The first computer virus AVAST stopped was the Vienna virus back in 1988. That was before Symantec released its first product, acquired Norton in 1990, or even used the Norton brand to market its AV products. It was also before Dr. Solomon’s Antivirus was commercially released in 1991 to be later acquired by McAfee (itself established in 1989).
So if you believe the popularity of AVAST Software and its “avast! free antivirus” is a “yesterday phenomena” you are mistaken. AVAST has been around for 23 years now and the free version was first released 10 years ago on June 1st 2001.

And what better way to prove it than by sweeping the dust off from some old pictures!
PS: Damn! We missed the free release anniversary two month back! ;)
PPS: You can see more of our history on our History Timeline page.