Honestly, I don't know, but according to my tastes he shouldn't get it for his latest movie, it was a bit boring. I was commenting on it to a colleague, and because it's late night here I wasn't able to remember the movie name; I just remembered that George Clooney was nominated for leading actor Oscar for this movie. So I simply put "clooney oscar" in my Firefox address bar, which is the simplest way to get the search results for Google. But I wasn't exactly "Feeling lucky" about the result I got.
Looks quite innocent, huh? But, when you click on it (and it works only when you click on it from Google), you're getting redirected through a hacked German website to malware redirector website and then to conventional Fake AV. This referrer protection (when the site is behaving differently when visited from different sites) may skew some of our statistics, because by plain download such sites look innocent.

Since people usually expect happy ends, I should also provide you with one: All this would happen to you only without avast!, which did not allow the malware to run.

And please: Don't believe people which say that good surfing habits help. As you can see, I was not looking for porn or warez, I just wanted to know something completely innocent and this is exactly the type of search which anyone around you could run and get infected. And back on topic: the movie name is Up in the Air and George has one Oscar anyway!