10 tips to keep teens' Facebook profiles safe

Julia Szymańska 28 Mar 2016

Teenagers are the most vulnerable group on Facebook. Our tips will help keep your teen's profile private and secure.

 "Connect with friends and the world around you on Facebook" says the slogan of the social giant. Millions of Facebook users of different ages, nationalities, and genders share their daily life with family members and friends, and interact with brands. Among them there is a large group of teenagers who can be especially vulnerable target for cyber criminals. In this article I will help you make sure that Facebook is a safe place.

Follow our ten tips to make your Facebook safer!

Facebook allows teenagers from the age of 13 to set up their own accounts. If you are about to join the social network, don’t hesitate to ask an adult person you trust for help, or simply follow the basic safety and privacy rules described below:

  1. Create a safe password for your account. It must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including small and large ones and special characters. Never share your password with anyone. Always log out when you aren’t using the service anymore. Learn more about safe log in  and use Avast Passwords for free.
  2. Set up your privacy accordingly. Make sure that your profile and posts ARE NOT public. Learn more about Facebook privacy and security from our blog.
  3. Don’t share too much private information about yourself, such as your address or phone number
  4. Never accept friend requests from people you don't actually know. If you receive a duplicated invitation from a person you are already connected with don’t accept it. It’s a scam.
  5. Keep your Avast Antivirus up to date and don’t click on suspicious links shared in the social network. For example, posts with links supposedly leading to the videos with "shocking content." Check our blog for more examples. Those links will most likely spread a malware
  6. Don’t chat with the strangers and never provide them with your personal information, copy of your ID, address, credit card, or your photos.
  7. Remember that people can pretend to be someone else online. If you have any doubts about someone’s identity, don’t chat with this person and report it to your parents, teacher, or any adult person you can trust.
  8. Before you publish anything on Facebook think twice. Ask yourself a few basic questions:
    • Will this comment offend or hurt someone?  If yes, don’t publish it!
    • Would I say it to person’s face? If not, don’t write it!
    • What if your parents or teachers will read it? If you would be ashamed of it, don’t do publish it.
  9. Never share (even in a private message with your boyfriend or girlfriend) nude or naughty pictures, or vulgar comments.
  10. Be respectful, protect yours and others' reputations.